下载TrulyMail Client V2.5.0 绿色版

TrulyMail Client V2.5.0 绿色版

  • 软件大小:5.00MB (5,242,880 字节)
  • 软件类别:应用软件 -> 邮箱工具
  • 软件授权:免费软件      软件语言:英文
  • 更新时间:2020/05/08
  • 软件厂商:
  • 软件官网:
  • 应用平台:


· There is no spam in TrulyMail - only those people you know and trust ever get the chance to send you messages so you no longer have to worry about 'unsolicited emails' or spam.

· You know then sender of the message is the real sender - no more fake emails from PayPal or your bank trying to trick you into giving them your sensitive information.

· You know when your messages are delivered - TrulyMail is like your postman. When you send a message, he knows (and tells you) when it was delivered. Best of all, you can simply check the original message to see who has received your message and who has not.

· Your messages are completely private - TrulyMail messages are encrypted (assuming you have that feature on your account) so you know than only the intended recipient can read your message


  • TrulyMail Client V2.5.0 绿色版第1张


TrulyMail Client V2.5.0 绿色版