下载安卓软件备份PC端(APK Batch Installer) 1.5c 官方绿色版

安卓软件备份PC端(APK Batch Installer) 1.5c 官方绿色版

  • 软件大小:1.00MB (1,048,576 字节)
  • 软件类别:系统工具 -> 备份还原
  • 软件授权:免费软件      软件语言:英文
  • 更新时间:2018/03/25
  • 软件厂商:
  • 软件官网:http://www.didown.com/
  • 应用平台:

安卓软件备份PC端(APK Batch Installer)在电脑上为android手机上的软件做备份的工具,因为刷机后android手机上的软件资料都会消失,所以很有必要为上面应用做备份哦~

APK Batch Installer Tool的特点:

1、完全免费。这是一个运行在windows下的免费软件。2、单文件绿色版软件。下载之后,双击就可以运行哦。3、批量安装/备份/重命名apk程序。由于一次性可以搞定所有的应用。相信安装apk再也不会成为你刷机路上的绊脚石了。4、所有apk应用都会被备份到电脑中。和备份到手机SD卡相比,备份到电脑中的好处多多。a、硬盘的稳定性比micro SD卡高的多,SD卡在经过多过次数的热插拔后,很有可能会出现文件损坏和丢失问题,你必须要再次格式化才能够正常使用。如果备份的文件都在卡上,那么肯定就悲剧了。b、不会占用SD卡的空间。这些腾出的地方你可以用来放更多的音乐、图片等其他文件。c、有批量备份到电脑,也就有从电脑中批量安装apk程序到手机的功能。如此一来,你可以在电脑上下载好所有新的游戏和软件,一次性安装它们,连下载流量的钱也省了,下载速度也更快。5、可以通过无线连接进行操作。6、除了程序之外,还可以备份/还原数据。这个数据可能是软件设置。7、可以选择把程序安装到SD卡中。8、简单友好的操作界面。


2013-5-21更新APK Batch Installer 1.5a发布

v1.5 - March 6, 2013-New Feature: Migrated the system over to a Unicode framework, however unicode functionality has not been implemented yet. To be implemented in the next major release.-New Sub-Feature: Updated to the latest version of ADB-Modifications: Rewrote Info parsing section from APK files (Now works with & and ' characters)-Modifications: Changed Install Section order to catch for errors better and work with & Characters-Modifications: Lighten code/ removed unrequired headers-Modifications: Added chown to SMS restore section-Modifications: Changed permissions for pushed data to 751, 771-Modifications: Added Data Ownership During Restore code for Increased compatibility-Modifications: Changed permissions settings handling in data restore for increased compatibility-Modifications: Changed shell root access permissions checking method-Modifications: More error checks during restoration of data-Bug Fix: Fixed retry error when installing apps-Bug Fix: Removed data restore code that deletes existing folders. Should work with Android 4.2.1 now-Bug Fix: Bugfix to the data restoration process where data restoration may not work the first time around.-Bug Fix: Changed Captions of Data Restore and SD Install to proper wordings


  • 安卓软件备份PC端(APK Batch Installer) 1.5c 官方绿色版第1张


安卓软件备份PC端(APK Batch Installer) 1.5c 官方绿色版